home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Free()
- ** Object: Config
- */
- LIBFUNC void CON_Free(mreg(__a0) struct Config *Config)
- {
- if (Config->prvBuffer) { FreeMemBlock(Config->prvBuffer); }
- if (Config->prvEntries) { FreeMemBlock(Config->prvEntries); }
- Public->OpenCount--;
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Get()
- ** Object: Config
- */
- LIBFUNC struct Config * CON_Get(mreg(__a0) struct Stats *Stats)
- {
- struct Config *Config;
- if (Config = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(struct Config), MEM_RESOURCED|Stats->MemFlags)) {
- Config->Head.ID = ID_CONFIG;
- Config->Head.Version = VER_CONFIG;
- Public->OpenCount++;
- return(Config);
- }
- else {
- ErrCode(ERR_FAILED);
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Init()
- ** Object: Config
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CON_Init(mreg(__a0) struct Config *Config)
- {
- OBJFile *File;
- struct ConEntry *Entry;
- WORD Array, Item, quote;
- BYTE *Data, *Buffer, *Temp, *EData, *ATemp, *AData;
- LONG i, line, items, FileSize, MaxLines, error;
- ATemp = NULL;
- AData = NULL;
- error = ERR_FAILED;
- if (File = Get(ID_FILE|GET_NOTRACK)) {
- File->Source = Config->Source;
- if (Init(File, NULL)) {
- if ((FileSize = GetFSize(File)) > 0) {
- if (AData = AllocPrivate(FileSize+2,MEM_UNTRACKED)) {
- Read(File, AData, FileSize);
- EData = AData + FileSize;
- }
- else goto exit;
- }
- else goto exit;
- }
- else goto exit;
- }
- else goto exit;
- DPrintF("3Config:","Data: $%x, EData: $%x, Size: %ld",AData,EData,FileSize);
- /* Process the file and get rid of PC carriage returns
- ** (by replacing them with standard line feeds).
- */
- MaxLines = 1;
- for (i=0; i < FileSize; i++) {
- if (AData[i] IS 10) {
- MaxLines++;
- }
- else if (AData[i] IS 13) {
- AData[i] = 10;
- }
- }
- /* Count the number of items to read */
- Data = AData;
- items = NULL;
- while (Data < EData) {
- if (((*Data >= 'a') AND (*Data <= 'z')) OR
- ((*Data >= 'A') AND (*Data <= 'Z')) OR
- ((*Data >= '0') AND (*Data <= '9'))) {
- items++;
- }
- else if (*Data IS '=') {
- items++;
- while (*Data != '[') {
- while (*Data != 10) {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto gotitems;
- }
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto gotitems;
- }
- }
- while (*Data != 10) {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto gotitems;
- }
- Data++;
- }
- gotitems:
- DPrintF("Config:","I detected %ld items and arrays in the file.",items);
- Config->AmtEntries = NULL;
- /**** Allocate the Buffers ***/
- if ((ATemp = AllocPrivate(200,MEM_UNTRACKED)) IS NULL) {
- ErrCode(ERR_MEMORY);
- goto exit;
- }
- /* Buffer is allocated as:
- **
- ** Lines * (Longest Section Name + Longest Item Name + Longest Data)
- */
- if ((Config->prvBuffer = AllocMemBlock((40+40+80)*MaxLines, Config->Head.Stats->MemFlags)) IS NULL) {
- ErrCode(ERR_MEMORY);
- goto exit;
- }
- if ((Config->prvEntries = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(struct ConEntry) * items, Config->Head.Stats->MemFlags)) IS NULL) {
- ErrCode(ERR_MEMORY);
- goto exit;
- }
- DPrintF("3Config:","Temp: $%x, Buffer: $%x, Entries: $%x",ATemp,Config->prvBuffer,Config->Entries);
- /*** Process now ***/
- Config->Entries = Config->prvEntries;
- Data = AData;
- Buffer = Config->prvBuffer;
- Entry = Config->Entries;
- line = 1;
- /*** Find the first section ***/
- while (*Data != '[') {
- if (*Data IS 10) line++;
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) {
- DPrintF("!Config:","There are no Sections defined in this file!");
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- DPrintF("3Config:","First section found at line %ld.",line);
- /*** FILE PROCESSOR ***/
- while (Data < EData) {
- Array = FALSE;
- Item = FALSE;
- while (*Data != '[') {
- /*** Item check (Must start with a letter or number) ***/
- if (((*Data >= 'a') AND (*Data <= 'z')) OR
- ((*Data >= 'A') AND (*Data <= 'Z')) OR
- ((*Data >= '0') AND (*Data <= '9'))) {
- if (Array IS FALSE) {
- Item = TRUE;
- /*** Skip the section header that's in temp buffer ***/
- Temp = ATemp;
- while (*Temp != NULL) Temp++;
- Temp++;
- /*** Insert name of the Item just after the Section ***/
- while ((*Data != '=') AND (*Data != ' ') AND (*Data != 10)) {
- *Temp++ = *Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- }
- *Temp = NULL;
- while (*Data IS ' ') { /* Skip past trailing spaces */
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- }
- /* Did an equal sign follow the Item name? If not,
- ** then there is an error at this line.
- */
- if (*Data IS '=') {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- while (*Data IS ' ') { /* Skip any leading spaces */
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- }
- if (*Data > 10) {
- /*** Insert Section name ***/
- Temp = ATemp;
- Entry->Section = Buffer;
- while (*Temp != NULL) {
- *Buffer++ = *Temp++;
- }
- *Buffer++ = NULL;
- /*** Insert Item name ***/
- Temp++;
- Entry->Item = Buffer;
- while (*Temp != NULL) {
- *Buffer++ = *Temp++;
- }
- *Buffer++ = NULL;
- /* Insert the Item data. This section also looks out
- ** for strings that have been defined using quotes (").
- ** These are forcibly removed.
- */
- if (*Data IS '"') { Data++; quote = TRUE; } else quote = FALSE;
- Entry->Data = Buffer;
- while ((Data < EData) AND (*Data != 10)) {
- *Buffer++ = *Data++;
- }
- if (quote IS TRUE) {
- if (Buffer[-1] IS '"') Buffer[-1] = NULL; else *Buffer++ = NULL;
- }
- else *Buffer++ = NULL;
- DPrintF("4Config:","Successfully read %s:%s.",Entry->Section,Entry->Item);
- Entry++; items--;
- Config->AmtEntries++;
- if (items IS NULL) goto okay;
- }
- else DPrintF("!Config:","Bad Item at line %ld.",line);
- }
- else DPrintF("!Config:","Bad Item at line %ld.",line);
- }
- else DPrintF("!Config:","Item found in array section at line %ld.",line);
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- while (*Data != 10) {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- }
- line++;
- }
- /*** Section holds array data ***/
- else if (*Data IS '=') {
- if (Item IS FALSE) {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) {
- DPrintF("!Config:","Bad array definition at line %ld.",line);
- goto okay;
- }
- if (Array IS FALSE) {
- Temp = ATemp;
- Entry->Section = Buffer;
- while (*Temp != NULL) {
- *Buffer++ = *Temp++;
- }
- *Buffer++ = NULL;
- Entry->Item = NULL; /* Item Name of NULL */
- Entry->Data = Buffer;
- Array = TRUE;
- }
- /*** INSERT DATA ***/
- if (*Data > 10) {
- while ((Data < EData) AND (*Data != 10)) {
- *Buffer++ = *Data++;
- }
- }
- else DPrintF("!Config:","Bad array definition at line %ld.",line);
- }
- else DPrintF("!Config:","Array found in Item section at line %ld.",line);
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- while (*Data != 10) {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- }
- line++;
- }
- else if (*Data IS 10) line++;
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) break;
- }
- /* If the last section, was an array, we
- ** must complete it here.
- */
- if (Array IS TRUE) {
- Array = FALSE;
- DPrintF("4Config:","Successfully read array %s.",Entry->Section);
- *Buffer++ = NULL;
- Config->AmtEntries++;
- Entry++;
- items--;
- if (items IS NULL) goto okay;
- }
- /*** NEW SECTION ***/
- if (Data < EData) {
- Temp = ATemp;
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- while ((*Data != ']') AND (*Data != 10)) {
- *Temp++ = *Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) {
- DPrintF("!Config:","Bad section definition at line %ld.",line);
- goto okay;
- }
- }
- *Temp = NULL;
- DPrintF("4Config:","Found section \"%s\".",ATemp);
- while (*Data != 10) {
- Data++;
- if (Data >= EData) goto okay;
- }
- line++;
- Data++;
- }
- }
- okay:
- error = ERR_OK;
- if (Array IS TRUE) {
- DPrintF("4Config:","Successfully read array %s.",Entry->Section);
- *Buffer = NULL;
- Config->AmtEntries++;
- }
- DPrintF("Config:","End of file reached, %ld lines read.",line);
- exit:
- if (File) Free(File);
- if (ATemp) FreeMemBlock(ATemp);
- if (AData) FreeMemBlock(AData);
- return(error);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Load()
- ** Object: Config
- */
- LIBFUNC struct Config * CON_Load(mreg(__a0) struct File *Source)
- {
- return(InitTags(NULL,
- CFA_Source, Source,
- }